Saturday, December 31, 2011

Start the New Year with a Detox

Did you eat too much this holiday season? Feeling bloated and sluggish as a result?

Many people set New Years resolutions to lose weight and/or to start working out. I'm sure all the diet sites are getting ample hits right about now. Well, this post isn't about a diet or how to lose weight. It's about getting all the old poo (yes, I said poo) out of your system to start 2012 off on the right foot.

What is a detox?
Basically, it's a form of fasting and is part of preventative health. Our bodies naturally detox everyday by eliminating or neutralizing toxins via our colon (poo) and liver.

How long do I detox for?
If you've never done anything like this, I say stick to 3 days. 3 days to a week is about the average detox range.

Why detox if my body already has it covered?
I'm going to use the analogy of a toilet. Toilets flush things. They're pretty efficient when doing that. However, if you put too much tissue in it for one flush, you're going to get backed up. The same goes for your body. We put a lot on our bodies with the foods we eat, the environment we're exposed to, and stress. We get backed up. It manifests differently in each of us. Many times, we attribute such symptoms to stress with work, family, or school. It's good to take the time to do maintenance on our bodies.

How much weight will I lose, and how fast?
Detoxing is not a weight solution. Again, it's preventative care, not curative. In all honesty, you may lose a few pounds, but you'll more than likely gain that back once you stop the detox.

So...what's the benefit?
You'll feel better.

How to detox
1. Consult with your primary care doctor before starting because you're not about to sue me because you went overboard and passed out in the middle of Forever 21.

2. Water. Drink plenty of it.

Not only is water good for you, but it flushes you out. I recommend you drink 1.5 - 2 of those 1 liter bottles of Smart Water per day. I personally don't like to drink that much water, but it was easier for me to psych myself into drinking bottled water versus glasses of water. It's even better if you have one of those BPA-free water bottles and just sip on that all day.

3. Drink Juice.

Try to go as natural as possible, and shoot for juices high in Vitamin C. The sugar content of the juice cleanses faster, plus juice is a great alternative to sodas.

4. Eat plenty of green veggies.

Green veggies give you energy and are full of the good stuff we need to have in our bodies.

Cleanse Boosters
Vitamins. It's important to take a good multi-vitamin everyday. Check out your local GMC or Vitamin Shoppe if you want consultation of a brand that's right for you. Otherwise, you can get a multi-vitamin at Target for relatively cheap.

Get a massage or go the sauna. I use to work at a day spa and trust me. We would warn the clients that they may need to "handle their business" after receiving a massage or a wrap. Needless to say, I saw plenty of clients scurrying down the hall to get to the bath.

Short on cash? Take an aromatherapy bath.

There are so many aromatherapy products on the market. Try a few to see which scent is appealing to your senses.

Deep Breathing exercises/yoga.

Yoga gets everything going. Bikram Yoga will DEFINITELY detox you.

Wait, what do I eat during this detox???

You can still "eat" during just can't be Chipotle. Try miso soup with nori sprinkled in it. You can do brown rice (high in fiber) with veggies. If you're worried about protein intake during this time, eat salmon or tuna with a serving of brown rices and veggies. Have a baby spinach salad with shrimp and natural vinaigrette dressing. For snacks, eat fruits that are know for their anti-oxidant power, such as grapes.

Beware of ketosis.
You're thinking the detox is great because you are seeing the lbs shed. Don't get too happy, it's just ketosis. Basically, you're not taking in any carbs, so your body is eating fat for fuel. As soon as you start back your regular eating habits (like eating at Chipotle) your body will have those things to feed off of again.

If you are truly trying to lose weight, you should know that it only occurs when your burn more than you eat. If you improve your eating habits and burn calories by working out, then you will see results.

The detox, ideally, is suppose to cleanse you out and give you a good start for the new year. If you can survive eating like a sad pigeon for a few days, it won't be as hard for you to transition into eating better overall.

Good luck and Happy New Year!

Friday, December 30, 2011

New Years Resolution: Take Life By The Horns

The New Year is looming and everyone is making resolutions. Whatever is on your list, I think everyone should take initiative when it comes to their life. You have dreams and goals and they tend to get lost in the day to day responsibilities we have (school, work, friends, boyfriend drama, sorority stuff, print card, etc.).

What I suggest is that you start of 2012 with an inspiration or vision board.
An inspiration board is just that, inspiration. It's a board with images and words that inspire you. It may contain things that you want to achieve, and people that give you strength, etc. The example above clearly shows a person who wants to travel and has an affinity for Audrey Hepburn, cute puppies that grow into ugly dogs, and babies on mattresses. The meaning behind each picture is unknown, but they must invoke a set of emotions in it's creator.

Create your inspiration board and place it where you can see it often, like near your desk at home. Even better, make it electronic (via Photoshop or Illustrator) and use the jpg.* as your wallpaper on your phone. The idea is that every time you see it, you get back on track. Having a hard time getting through a class? Look at the board to remind you that you're doing this school business for a bigger goal. Be your biggest cheerleader.

*On Photoshop, you can save a file as a jpg. To do this on Illustrator, you save for web and other device

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

This could happen to you

I was reading the Huffington post when I ran across this article about the Kardashians.

Kardashian Sweatshop Scandal Stirs Rumors Of Child Laborers, Unsafe Factories

Are the Kardashians unknowingly sponsoring child labor?
Star Magazine published a report today, according to Radar Online, alleging that several of the Kardashian family's lifestyle and fashion brands, including ShoeDazzle and Kris Jenner 'Kollection' for QVC, are manufactured in sweatshops that employ underage and overworked laborers.
The report charges that workers in the area of China where the Kardashimerch is produced aren't held to government regulations, often pushed to toil in hot factories seven days a week with minimal breaks for just $1/hour.

To read the full article, go here

What made me want to do a post on it was the comments that followed the article. Since the Kardashian family is know for their less than savory behavior, people automatically assumed that the accusations are true, and even worse, intentional. I beg to differ.

Love or hate the Kardashian family, as little rosebuds of the industry, we know better.

1. They Kardashians license their names. Maybe they have creative imput on the style and direction of their clothing lines, but they aren't sitting there, cutting patterns and agonizing over which fabrics to use. They have an idea. They have a market. They hire people.

2. ShoeDazzle is NOT Kim's designs or ideas. She's just reselling Michael Antonio's for way more than I care to pay (if you go to Cindy's downtown you can get about 4 pairs of shoes for what Kim is charging for 1). If any of those shoes are made in sweatshops, jump on Michael Antonio's people.

3. Even if you got on a plane and checked out the factory that was going to manufacture your goods, that has nothing to do with what happens once you leave and production begins. The factory owner or manager can present a nice factory, with healthy, happy ADULT workers. They'll do what they need to do to make you or any government regulators think they're all clear for take off. They just want the money. They need your contract.

4. People on the site were complaining that we should buy American. Okay. I think that's great. Your clothes will cost significantly more. The reality is, technical design skills are a dying breed. Go in any factory in the U.S. and find an older, immigrant worker. They work HARD. Their children are more than likely pursuing white collar careers. No one wants to work in a factory. Not even us. We're going to school to learn how to run the factory. Look at how many students in our program can't sew if their life depended on it. THAT'S the future of the industry here in the U.S.. We go overseas for manufacturing because it's quick, cheaper, and no threat of union strikes because there's no Starbucks in a  5 mile radius.  I'm not saying that it's impossible to bring apparel production back to the U.S.. I'm just saying it is what it is.

All this is to say that we can't just throw Kim or her sisters under the bus for this misstep.
It is also a reminded to all of us who plan to go forth and start our own lines to be mindful of who you have produce your goods. It's like buying a puppy; you can't leave it unsupervised too long before it poops in your shoes.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Generation Jobless via WSJ


16.7% - Unemployment for workers ages 16 to 24

7.8% - Unemployment for workers over 25

18% - Unemployment for male workers ages 16 to 24

15.3% - Unemployment for female workers ages 16 to 24

7.7% - Unemployment for college graduates ages 16 to 24

4.2% - Unemployment for college graduates over 25

21.1% - Unemployment for high-school graduates (no college) ages 16-24

24.8% - Unemployment for high-school dropouts ages 16-24

Source: Wall Street Journal

Pat McGrath Does Simple Smokey Eye On Jessica Stam

Video Courtesy of

Monday, December 12, 2011

Our First Post!

Welcome everyone!

AMMA (Apparel Merchandising and Management Association) is working hard to take the club to the next level, so stay tuned!